
Oktoberhilsen fra Scotland

Hi Jon-Roar

I wonder if you can help me.  It’s to do with a lecture I attended at Edinburgh University, sometime in the 1980s I think.  I was invited because I was the best known children’s entertainer of that generation (the company was called «The Singing Kettle»).

The guest was from Norway and he gave a talk I’ll never forget.  Underlining for me the importance of song in our lives.

Here’s a brief summary of what he covered:

Research on recall of the contents of either «Skolens Sangbok» or «Songboka» that showed that participants could recall illustrations, and which songs faced each other.

How this research led to the Norwegian government introducing a compulsory «Singing Together» in schools.

Stories of how he in very stressful moments in his life reverted to simple songs e.g. communicating with his mother in her last days and a near drowning experience with his children in their boat.

I’m preparing a talk, here in Glasgow, this month and I’d like it to be accurate, of course.

My question to you, you will have guessed, do you know this professor or teacher?  Was it you by any chance?

Hope you can help.

Best wishes


Artie Trezise MBE

33 Clouston Street

Glasgow G20 8QR

07710 149910   0141 321 0965

Klart jeg ble litt rørt over er sånn mail. Jeg har sendt ham «The Muse With» (den amerikanske utgaven av «Det musiske menneske»,og bedt ham hilse Colwyn Trevarthen som den gang inviterte meg, og som siden ble en god venn og nær kollega.