Jeg bidrar i et kapittel i «The Sage Book» sammen med blant annet Colwyn Trevarten om music and preschool education. Det er hektisk akkurat nå, som denne mailen viser:
Dear Colwyn, Jon-Roar and Ingela
Thank you for an aesthetically interesting and scholarly chapter. It works very well. A few comments/suggestions are attached as are the Sage Guidelines for Contributors. Sage has asked whether you have/require permission to reproduce the figures/images. Do let me know.
Would it be possible for you to return the revised version by June 15? This will allow us to synchronise our reviews of each PART (as a collection of chapters).
Many thanks
Professor Ann Farrell
Head of School | School of Early Childhood | Room B416 Kelvin Grove | Faculty of Education |
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059
e: | t: + 61 7 3138 3603 |,_Ann.html
Children and Youth Research Centre |
CRICOS No. 00213J